Broadcasting from the future in old media from the byzantine death moors of Castle Thrashstone, get ready for yet another round of METAL NIGHT!!!
Sludge sludge sludge. Hipsters in Grand Rapids love them some sludge. I myself, an avid user of crystal meth and crack cocaine, often at the same time while sipping on Turkish coffee and Diet Coke, tend to listen to sludge a little less than, say, some death, thrash, black metal or grindcore. But if you want to get some tattooed hipster chick pussy in Grand Rapids, best to break out the PBR and some sludge metal. And Acid King-III might get you laid, homeboy. This is sluggish, Sabbath groove in all it's hipster glory. Weed informed and female fronted, the songs weave in and out of your consciousness like psilocyben. Most of the songs come in at about 6 or seven minutes long, depending on your awareness of space and time. It's all pleasingly trippy and accessible, though carrying not a lot of aggression, which makes it simply ok in my book.
Buzzoven's 1998 album, At A Loss, is a far rougher, sicker beast. The riffs are sludgy and dark, but the attack is amphetamine based, and bad meth at that, with lots of impurities. These fiends also eat lots of hardcore punk for breakfast, of the Flipper and late period Black Flag variety and regurgitate it as thrash. This album is as mean as a trailer park pit bull after eating a crack baby. It is enthralling and cathartic. It might keep you from killing all those people for one more day. Winner of the night.
Eyehategod's Dopesick has that same spiritual vibe, is still as pissed off and nihilistic, but more downbeat and suicidal. This is perfect music for slicing your face off with a butter knife and rolling around in your own entrails while on PCP. It's drug music and everyone in the band is heroin addict who cannot afford their habit, so they make nasty sludge when they can't score. That's the basic essence of the album. The riffs are magic, though. The bands has a wonderful way of imprinting their own personality onto the riffs, making a classic band of the genre. I liked Buzzoven's speed a little more, but this album is always worth a listen.
Only hipsters use the word 'hipster' so liberally