Sunday, August 7, 2011

Trouble, The Obsessed, and Entombed

Metal Night was almost a week ago and there is another one tomorrow and my lazy ass is just getting around to updating. It must have been all the Town Club and Seagram's vodka we guzzled. Just recovering now and I am finally able to process it all.

We broke out the boombox this time and listened to some warm analog nightmares.

First one we popped in was stoner metal legends Trouble's 1990 self titled album. Chris was really into this. I thought it was merely ok. Rick Rubin got a hold of this band after the caustic doom metal from their previous releases, and mellowed them out a bit, adding some bluesier touches and some Beatlesque melodies. Many consider this a classic stoner rock album, but Eric Wagner's shrieking is a bit too shrill for my tastes. And it's not the Christ centered lyrics, either. They never come across as preachy, though some of the old hellfire and brimstone is missed. It's well written, well played and well produced, perhaps too well. Oh well.

Chris and I were both keen on the next album, The Obsessed's third album and major label debut, 'The Church Within'. This is a fantastic album. The heavy riffs ooze and swirl, not bludgeoning you, but creeping up behind you with an ether rag. It takes several listens for the songs to insinuate themselves in your psyche. The lyrics are hardbitten, realistic, and not without a certain poetry. And Wino's voice is ageless. Winner.

Lastly, we heard Entombed's first "death 'n' roll" album, 'Wolverine Blues', a sound they would more or less stick with for the rest of their career. This was Entombed's streamlined bid for major label success(Earache had received a distribution deal with Columbia). The songs are shorter, punchier, rolling over you with no subtlety, hardcore with a death metal cruch(though not metalcore). It's exhilarating at first, but after a few songs, we just wanted to hear old Entombed. It's not a bad album, but just lacks depth.

So, until next week....well, in a couple days if I get off my ass.......keep your senses dulled with alcohol and your ears shreded by MEeeeeTALLLLLLLLLLlalalalala!!!

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