Monday, May 28, 2012

Sorg in the Mourge - The Titans Fight the Gatemaster and We Jam Gorgoroth

 Fucking Gorgoroth, man!

After coming back from the dead, Demon Scourge and myself overdosed on power metal, in a drunken attempt to regain our heroic mojo. After a while, we got bored, and I said, "Fuck that shit! I wanna hear something evil!" So we chose the most evil band we could think of ...... true cvlt Norwegian black metal innovators Gorgoroth.

Notorious in the past few years for the soap opera antics of the Gaalh vs. Infernus name name dispute, after the dust settled, only original founder Infernus remained at the helm. Despite the fine albums Gorgoroth has released in the 00's, the foundation of the band's legacy remains in their first three albums; three slices of ice cold true cvlt Norwegian black metal. That's what we listened to while Satan chortled greedily in anticipation of our charred and blackened immortal souls.

 Saga of the Gatemaster part 13.1 - Awaken the Gaurdian

I opened my eyes as if after a long slumber, but I knew I had not been sleeping.  Sound and light burst upon me in an intense crashing of sensations. The physical and spiritual pain of being stuffed back into a body is excruciating but fortunately, only lasts a few moments. Everywhere around me I heard the sounds of blasting heavy metal. I had finally been called home. A glance at my surroundings revealed that I, along with Bloodmace, Hellmaster, Master Raknar, and Lady DeathCrush were at the bottom of a rocky pit. The music floated down from above us, guiding the spirits of each warrior into its temporal shell. For a few moments there was nothing but silence as we stared at one another in disbelief, but each battle blasted soul knew what we had been called to do. Bloodmace brandishes his weapon as he spits his words at me “So, not even death can stop our battle! Prepare to die fool!” his deadly club swishes past my head. I grasp my sword and prepare to retaliate but the battle is once again interrupted, this time by a shout from the intrepid Master Raknar “Oh shit, get ready people, the Gatemaster is fucking Here!”

First, we heard Gorgoroth's 1994 debut, Pentagram. This is a goddamn fucking righteous slab of black metal, a masterful opening statement. Highly recognized as one of black metal's greatest albums, this album does not disappoint. There are layered sheets of white noise, frenzied tremolo guitar work, and a variety of tempos with an emphasis on fucking fast fucking fuck. Not a lot of experimentation or overt weirdness in the songcraft; this is more of a refinement, an exploration of the essence of black metal. One of the traits that the band has kept throughout the years is the sense of mystique. It started here. There is a special vibe to these songs, a blood curdling one. This is the music of villains and monsters. Winner, in my book.

Saga of the Gatemaster part 13.2 - Anarchy Divine  

Our feud forgotten for the moment, Bloodmace and I turn in the direction of Raknar’s gaze.  From the precipice above, the hideous stone head of the dreaded guardian of the outer dimensions appears. Its beak-like mouth juts fourth from the sleek head, its crystal eyes gleaming from either side.  It hops down from the tall sides of the crater where we are trapped, its powerful legs propelling it down the steep wall. Twice as tall as any of us and formed of rock, it stood upright and lashed out at us with its two sets of small arms and razor sharp beak. Lady DeathCrush waves her hands and with a loud crack, the thing falls for a moment. Bloodmace rushes it from behind and smashes his signature weapon into the massive backbone of the enforcer of temporal boundaries. Enraged, the Gatemaster slashes at Bloodmace with granite claws. I also jump into the fray, deflecting a blow from our unhallowed foe. There seems to be no way to kill this monster. Hellmaster pushes me out of the way as the dimensional defender smashes place where I stood with an impossibly heavy tail that splits the ground near where we stand. Just as we were about to be sent back to the realm of chaos and dreams, the sound of the old hymn “Unstoppable Force”  can be heard echoing down the walls that imprison us. There is life above. Whoever called us, for good or evil ends, was about to show themselves.

 The next album, Antichrist, is somewhat less successful, but still expands on the basic evil premise, The sheets of white noise are toned down for a slightly thicker mid level tone. The balls out viciousness that was so endearing about the first album is toned down somewhat, though the sound and song craft have opened up. Best tunes are the title track and the epic closer, Sorg, a slow paced, epic viking metal track, not unlike what Enslaved were doing at the time. Clean vocals, and some tripped out guitar work make this the most memorable song. Demon Scourge and guest were all about this one. Me not so much. I still think this a fucking brilliant album, though.

Third opus, 1997's Under The Sign of Hell, is slight return to pure corpse fucking Satan worship. Sheets of white noise piled upon riffs both dissonant  and melodic. There is a weird elegance underneath the snarl, a real craft and finesse at last fully realized. Too bad they fell upon the re-recording bandwagon years later, a cheap move that bands do when they are out of ideas and need the cash. Leave the classics alone, you fuckers.

The real deal!

The sorry ass 2011 re-recording.........

Words of the Elders
The stars wheel above us, circling endlessly as they mock our mortal triumphs and travails. There in the inky darkness they dance their ballet of days and wind down into nothingness, mirroring our own spiral into death and yet the flame of hope still burns. Deep inside their movements patterns are nested inside one another, working like gears, but all are driven by the same engine. In survival, there is no death. In death there is no rest. The titans of Centon have returned into the bodies that have been conjured by Vorthon, Hell Wraith, Baron Lotar and Lady Steel but following them is the dreaded Gatemaster, guardian of twilight whose job is to capture or destroy beings crossing the threshold into the nether regions.  Let us raise our voices in song that these guardians of light may save their world of Centon, for it is a most important cog in the working of “reality” on this plane and the ordering of the multiverse in general. Let us sing to the eldest trees and dance with the mother wolf in the sacred grove!  Let us raise our swords in defiance of the posers who crowd the once great Jenkabala that all may know that Bloodmace and Demon Scourge have come to claim their due!

Until next week, mosh maniacs


Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Iron Gods - Running Wild and the Awakening of the Titans

 Power Metal progenitors Running Wild, for me, were one of those bands that always fell under the radar of my attention. Death/black/sludge/thrash/satanic sub-genre fanatic that I am, many of the fantasy oriented bands passed me by in my elitist halycon days. I dismissed most power metal and some old school metal as too cheesy for my subversive tastes. But since the inception of Metal Night, Demon Scourge has deepened my appreciation(sometimes at knifepoint), to power metal. I get it now. I'm still not as passionate about it as other musics, but that will always be the major difference between myself and the Demon, besides the fact that he is an evil bastard that needs to be sent back to hell and MY WRATH will  be his ultimate undoing, for I WILL HAVE MY REVENGE!!!!! but more on that later. Running Wild are a well regarded and very influential band, so we checked out some of their albums.

The snow fell lightly on the frozen peak of Mount Tarvo as Hell Wraith set up the last of the equipment for their dangerous summoning. The party had traveled all morning to this small plateau, the birthplace of Bloodmace and Demon Scourge and the gravesite of Bloodhammer, their father.  Vorthon looked out at the valley below and the endless mountains stretching out towards the ocean to the south and the Time Desert to the north. It seemed like an eternity ago he took residence in the ruined shell of Castle Thrashstone where Hellmaster, Bloodmace and the rest of the titans of old had perished at the hands of the possessed Demon Scourge. For years he studied the secrets of the mysterious wasteland where the spiritual dimensions of the temporal world converge and strange otherworldly fissures split the kaleidoscopic sands. He knew the world of Centon was in danger; premonitions came to him in dreams and on his vision quests in the Time Desert. Now, he was here. The hour of this world’s deliverance was at hand. The equipment was set in a circular formation around a spot Hell Wraith had calculated to be the place where the portal would open. Lady Steel was behind the drums, tuning the bone-framed skins to the precise frequency required using a handheld electronic device. Hell Wraith and Baron Lotar were grimly assembling weaponry, magical and otherwise to use in the battle they were sure was coming. Their guitars stood at the ready. Near the center of the circle was Moloch, cross-legged, chanting his private invocations for strength, and gargling salt water. With a deep breath, Vorthon strode to the spot where the bass guitar Hell Wraith designed in his workshop in Castle Thrashstone sat at the ready. “Hai!” Vorthon called out to his companions. “Are you all ready?” Nods came from every quarter. “Let us begin the invocation with ‘Power from Hell’”

The first Running Wild album, Gates of Purgatory, is pretty sweet. It is basic heavy metal with thunderous riffs and gruff, gravely vocals. Not a lot of finesse or flashy solos(except for a few Maidenisms here and there), but plenty of power moves and catchy anthems. They have not yet developed the "pirate metal" lyrical focus that they became known for. This is pretty representative of the German underground metal scene of 1984, and it it a rough beast.

Even with the first bars of the chant, winds began to whip. Screams and laughter from other dimensions issue fourth from the glowing point in the center of the circle. Huge boulders dislodge from the mountains, tumbling down as if in slow motion. From everywhere a sick, wet sound grows louder and in the center of the circle, a horrible thing shambles through the gate. At first it appears to be a mass of rubbery, grey-green fingers tumbling over one another, but as it approaches Moloch a hairy, spider like head pops up, it’s mandibles dripping with slime. Thin tentacles burst out from its sides to ensnare the singer and draw him towards the creature’s foul smelling maw which was an abyss of tiny, razor-sharp teeth.  From behind him, however there comes a fearsome battle cry. Baron Lotar strikes with a berserker’s fury, his sacred sword tearing through spiritflesh, producing geysers of ectoplasm. The others continue to play and their strange melodies echo through the caverns of dimension x99344, where Bloodmace, Demon Scourge and the others are captives of death.  Moloch looks over to the others and screams out above the chaos, “Everyone get back! Get back!” The ground explodes blowing chunks of ice and rock into the flesh of the intrepid players. There is a long silence. Dust settles around the newly formed crater, revealing five figures laying in the steaming pit. The titans have returned.
The second album, Branded and Exiled,  is pretty much more of the same, with slightly more polish, a refinement of barbarian craft, of Teutonic steel! This isn't the sort of traditional metal that gets me really pumped, but the direct riffery and non subtle approach grows on you.

Jump head a few years, and their 4th  full album, Port Royal,  finds them in the form that they are best known for, as pirate metal & power metal progenitors. Actually, there really isn't a genre known as 'pirate metal', but never mind. They just like pirates, nothing to do with Adam Ant! This finds the band exhibiting major finesse, ala Iron Maiden, as well as liberal doses of speed metal influence. This is a staggeringly powerful album, unapologetic in its old school metalness during a period when thrash was all the rage. Winner of the night.

Behold posers! You thought your day of reckoning would never come. Now where will you run? Centon shall now be torn from the hands of the false! FOOLS! You believed you could size control of this world and turn it into a playground for wealthy intergalactic travelers but now the shining knights of metal shall storm your crystal palaces and take back this land of mystery and wonder from your gnarled hands. Let the hills and plains sing, let the mountains and seas dance! The titans have returned!
Until next week S.A.D.O.S.


Friday, May 4, 2012

Lords of Procrastination: The Ketchup Post

Metal Night has been going on successfully for a little over a year, just a couple of dudes getting together every Monday Night for a few drinks and heavy tunes. I started this blog in March of last year, writing down our(actually mine) observations about the albums. For a while, it was just a review blog, and about 6 months ago, Demon Scourge started the chronicle of our netherworld world adventures. Well, writing about all that is time consuming, so inevitably we got really behind, since we all have lives and actual girlfriends who need attention and at least one of us has a real job. But, being tired of procrastination purgatory, it's time to catch up, so we are just going to blurb a bit about all these albums we listened to in a the past few weeks.

Bands With Battle In Their Name by Demon Scourge

Battleroar- To Death and Beyond-This album was winner of the night. Greece was been home to a real power metal revival during the last decade and Battleroar were the leaders of the crusade. With song titles like “The Wrathforge” and “Warlord of Mars” you know right away what’s in store. From atmospheric intro to the last blast of power in the song “Death Before Disgrace”  Battleroar did not disappoint. Lyrically, all the PM bases are covered. Battle songs (the aforementioned album closer), paeans to metal brotherhood (Born in the 70’s, Metal from Hellas), and fantasy epics (Dragonhelm, every other song). Musically, they represent a heavy speed metal vibe with tons of dynamics and some nice violin during the quieter passages. Encyclopedia Metallum lists them as being active but this album, released in 2008, represents their last recorded output.

Battle Ram-Smash the Gates - Classic NWOBHM throwback metal. Think Priest and Dianno-era Maiden. Compentent, if a bit forgettable. I loved it but the less PM inclined (Bloodmace) found it to be lackluster.

Battlerage-Steel Supremacy-Orthodox trad metal from Chile. Good crunchy riffage and tasty dual guitar work made this one a contender. They have since gone on to put out three more well received full lengths
Florida Death Metal Part 2 by Bloodmace

Nocturnus- The Key- One of the greatest death metal albums of all time, though atypical of the style, pre-dating symphonic black metal in its use of keyboards, but applied much more tastefully. A blistering speedball death metal album with a blasphemous sci-fi lyrical take. BC?AD is a nice little ditty about building a time machine to go back and kill the baby Jesus. My vote for the night.

Morbid Angel- Covenant My second favorite Morbid Angel album is also their most commercially successful. There are some surprisingly warm tones coming from the crushing guitar attack. The second half is when the album really destroys with doomy riffs and ambient passages.

Atheist- Unquestionable Presence-This album is the ground zero tech death album. Musicianly, jazzy without getting up its own ass, a little thrashy, the riffs confusing you as they rip you to shreds. Nearly perfect, but I voted for Nocturnus. Everyone else dug this album more. But I am the Judgement Of Metal Night, so fuck those bitches.
Some Random Shit by Demon Scourge

Chastain-Ruler of the Wastelands- While they didn’t take home any prizes, I can find nothing wrong with Chastain’s brand of 80’s D&D metal. Great solos, great classic metal vocals by the underappreciated Leather Leone and tons of quality songwriting. If you have any interest in classic power metal, Chastain is an essential part of your education.

Agent Steel-Unstoppable Force - Yep. this is my jam. There will be no discussion about this album's merits or fawning prose praising its mighty metallic vision.Listen to it now. Agent Steel fucking rules, that is all.   

Stormwitch-Walpurgis Night-Great Running Wild-inspired heavy metal. Had these guys gone against anyone but the Agent, this would have been THE album that night.

Leatherwolf-S/T - Leather-fucking-wolf. That's a name. Famous for having a triple guitar attack, and the first riff of 'spitter' really jams the shit out of that three part harmony. Hard night to judge for me as I love some tough glam but, again, the Steel is a tough act to follow.
Cryptopsy-Once was Not-One of the masterpieces of extreme blasting death metal. Almost a math metal album, but achieves its aims through alchemy instead of trigonometry. Once you make it through the din, this album just keeps rewarding, as you discover some new musical impossibility each time. This is a drummers band. Winner of the night.

Catacomb-In the Maze of Kadeth demo-Perfectly blasting French death metal. Nice doomy tones, reminicent of early Paradise Lost, . Good production for a demo. Many Lovecraft references. No distinctive songs, just good creepy grooves and atmosphere.

Bolt Thrower-The IVth Crusade-I love Bolthrower. I love bands who stay the same, whose musical rewards are subtlety devastating, whose only major stylistic change in 20 years is that they uptuned the guitars after their 5th or 6th album.. This is a band about tone and taste. You can taste the tone as the blood gurgles up from your spleen. Mammoth riff after mammoth riff bowl you over like Panzers, like war elephants. A very blunt instrument; almost a one trick pony, but what a mighty steed that pony is. This is just another one of their albums, though.
More Random Shit by Bloodmace

Confessor's 1st-A true oddity from the early 90's. An off kilter doom prog concoction. Fate's Warning type vocal shrieks set to doom riffs, to the accompaniment of crazy, odd metered drumming that sometimes sounds like it was not even played in the same building as the rest of the band.

Death-Human-This is Demon Scourge's favorite Death album, and my 4th fav, one of my favorite bands. This album marks the beginning of their tech death phase. It is a jumble of difficult riffs mashed together with a vicious attack. The songs are not quite cohesive, though, which they perfected on the next album, Individual Though Patterns. But there are plenty of killer riffs and rhythms to delve into, making this a good album to come back to.

Forced Entry- As Above, So Below-One of the last great pure thrash albums of the original era. Released in the early 90's, this is a great collection of solid thrash. The guitar player shines above all else, soloing and riffing in the best Megadeth tradition, but retaining a sound all his own. Great album. Too bad this was released during the waning days of thrash, as it would have received much more attention 5 years earlier. Winner of the night, I think. We drank alot.