Monday, April 23, 2012

Northwind - The Origins of Metal Night and Prog Metal on Mount Tarvo

Alas, tonight was a night of weirdos, anomalous entities blasting the metal scape with their quirkiness and individuality. None of these bands fit neatly into any trend or genre, existing, for better or worse, on the merits of their quirkiness and willingness to experiment.

Saga of the Gatemaster Part 11.1 – Grandma’s Sleeping
Vorthon the Whip of Fate rested on a gnarled tree. Much had transpired since he had been summoned from the realm of Tolar the Mystic, and as he looked out over the Trawston plains his thoughts began to drift. The path to the cursed peak of Mount Tarvo was too narrow for their theeba to travel once one the final ascent to the rocky summit begins.Vorthon, along with Lady steel, Hell Wraith, Baron Lotar, and Moloch the Painter were forced to leave their beasts with the priestesses of Keep Trawston, who had established a base camp in the Tarvo foothills while the rest of the party returned
to Keep Vorn, castle of Baron Lotar.There, they retrieved the mystical instruments Hell Wraith developed in the Time Desert to call back the titans Bloodmace, Demon Scourge and Hellmaster. During the journey, Moloch the Painter taught the others the music he would chant over to bring back the lost masters. The rhythms they had to understand were fast and pummeling. Every night they played and studied until the shadow of Mount Tarvo blotted out the sun and they came to the place Lady Steel called camp Arbon. Her adepts had been  there setting up camp while they traveled to Lotar's lair and the base was already well equipped. They rested two nights while Hell Wraith finished his work on the instruments and their small amplifiers. On the third day, Moloch gathered them together. “Tonight we will practice our chant. If we are to even hope to have success on Tarvo, we should see some ripples in the dimensional field. When we perform this in the place of power, it will be very dangerous so we should all know what to expect.”  Indeed, as the infamous artist predicted, the disturbance was strong and clear. Tents collapsed, some theeba were driven mad with fear and fled into the hills and all had a sense of the areas on the periphery of their vision disappearing into the inky night. The voice of Hell Wraith shakes Vorthon from his daydream. “Hai! Are you alright back there?” Starting on his way, the grizzled desert mystic calls back “Yes, my friend. Just resting for a moment.” Smiling at the weird physicist who is peeking his head around the switchback, Vorthon adds, “Our plans are almost complete. We may save Jenkabala Palace after all.”

Take Behold.........The Arctopus. This is a metal band like no other. Their 2006 demo and EP compilation,Nano Nucleonic Cyborg Summoning, is the best example of their work. It is much more scalding than their only full length, Skulgrid, which comes across as a bit sterile. This is instrumental math metal that takes just as much inspiration from Schoenberg as Megadeth or Morbid Angel. Every song is a dense and nearly impenetrable, an atonal, and nearly a rhythmic, puzzle that takes multiple listens to sort out. Most intriguing is the use of the Warr guitar,  a 12 string nightmare weapon of incalculable musical destruction. Each player, though, is a virtuoso at their instrument, making this a rewarding listen for those open minded enough to look beyond mere power chords, the key of E minor, and even the formulas of out there of tech death bands.A high brow delight.

Saga of the Gatemaster part 11.2 – Lost Wisdom
That night, after camp was set the party began to plan for the last part of their journey. Vorthon entertained everyone with a box of thrash cassettes he discovered in the vaults of Castle Thrashstone. Onslaught, Agent Steel, Running Wild, all were sampled by the weary travelers. As each selection played, Vorthon regaled the group with what lore he had memorized of each artist. Lady Steel, who had once again been debating Lotar on philosophical matters, was moved by this display and produced a bottle of Trawston brandy. As the soft echoes of those forgotten songs reached the peak of Mount Tarvo something was already stirring in the air. A soft chuckle, almost a growl answered the opening riff of Power from Hell. Bloodmace was listening

From nearly the opposite end of cultural specterum are grindcore pioneers OLD aka Old Lady Drivers. Their first self titled album a grab bag of quirky, smutty grindcore insanity. The surprising thing about this band is that they are not a bunch of kids learning their instruments on their way to being a death metal band, but proficient musicians with an almost Zappa-esque take on grindcore. This is one of the most enjoyable grindcore albums, almost accessible, without ever really becoming a mere novelty band. Winner of the night, if my foggy memory serves me right. We are soooooooooo behind!

Lastly, we heard Norwegian folk metal progenitors Storm and their 1995 album Nordavind. Though this band has only one release, its a highly influential album comprised entirely of metalized Norwegian folk songs. My only problem with the album is that I've since heard better. The vocals, cleanly sung, come across sounding like the goddamn Swedish Chef at times. But there was nothing quite like this in 1995. When it works, it is epic and stirring, a fine soundtrack for raping and pillaging the coasts of Western Europe in the AD 865 or so.

 Words of the Elders
Like a beacon in the fog, the sound of the sacred music has already drawn the attention of the dreaming titans, but unknown to the brave party, the Gatemaster has also heard their call and it lurks already in the icy mists. The moment of truth has finally come upon Vorthon and the others. In the cold light of morning, the invocation will begin, the gate will open again and what forces may be released we can only guess.  IA! Let us praise the gods of the starways whose icy grip reaches out from beyond time to smite the peak of Mount Tarvo with its deadly tentacles!  

Until next week, toad lickers, 


Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Casse Toi - French Metal in Keep Trawston

A sampling of the French Metal scene in the 80's:

First we heard High Power's first album. These frogs rock. That's all I can say. They were a 'high power' (heh heh i'm so clever) metal band from the early 80's and were completely unknown except in France, where the band probably performed exclusively in subways to rapists. I did not know heavy metal existed out side anywhere but LA, New York, and some bar in Ionia Michigan that used to host hair metal bands, until 1988. Metal in France was unimaginable. There is nothing that distinguishes this band, though. The riffs are sweet, the songs are forgettable, except for the slow grinding 'Offrande Charnelle'.

Saga of the Gatemaster part  10.1 – Master Control
The great hall at Keep Trawston was teeming with life. Cloaked priestesses hurried to ready the table for Lady Steel and her guests, some bringing trays of brightly colored vegetables, sauces and hot breads, others polishing the glass floor in the center of the strangely shaped room. The walls of the chamber described a five pointed star with a vast expanse of the center taken up by the thick pane of
glass, etched with the ancient symbols used by Lady Steel in her weird rites. The top point of the star was oriented to the east and its glass walls looked out on Mount Tarvo in the distance. The mistress of Keep Trawston was seated at the head of the long table in front of this point and as the table was readied, all but two of the robed minions disappeared into unseen doors. From the southern portal, Moloch the painter enters. Tall and lanky, his figure is covered from head to toe in clothing made from the tanned hides of thran, a large mammal common in costal southern Waylor, the mysterious artist’s homeland. His wild hair falls down around the collar of his jacket which is stuck everywhere with silver spikes. From her seat at the dining table Lady Steel greets him, “Hail Moloch. The others will be here shortly and we can begin. Your knowledge of the arcane arts will be a great help to us on this quest.  How far along are the shields?” Moloch seats himself at the table across from the noble warrior and biting into a piece of fruit replies, “Done. What is the news of Vorthon?” Lady Steel’s expression shifts to an oblique smirk, “We shall see, my friend. We shall see.” 

 ADX's Suprématie won the motherfucking night, though. Their brand of power metal tinged thrash inspired many enthusiastic head nods. This is a band that would have fit in quite well on Metal Blade's early 80's roster. Quality metal through and through, but I wish there was more Satanic goat fucking.

Saga of the Gatemaster part 10.2 – Vials of Wrath

That night, at the dinner table of Lady Steel, great quantities of food and wine were consumed. After days of harsh travel through unknown lands and battles fraught with tragedy, Hell Wraith felt his sore body relax. Trawston was one of the few free nations on Centon and the sweet air of liberty lifted his spirits. Even Baron Lotar, shaken and angry after his first encounter with the stern lady and her warrior priestesses, began to loosen after several flagons of wine and recounted several rousing tales of past glories that even Lady Steel seemed to thrill at. As the evening wore on and the business of organizing the next day’s journey was taken care of, Hell Wraith asked the question he had been thinking about for days, “Lady Steel, tomorrow we begin our travels. We intend to bring back the titans of old, your brothers.” All eyes are on the scientist and Lady Steel’s piercing green orbs light up. Hell Wraith continues, “Would you allow me to examine the Sludgetron? I think that we may be able to call Vorthon to join us again with it.” Now Moloch’s gaze joins with the others. The desert mystic was well acquainted with the haunted artist, for they were close as brothers when they studied under the great mystic Bloodmace, brother of Lady Steel. With a wave of her hand the high priestess indicates a lacquered box on a table nearby. “Go on to the glass floor to use it,” offers Lady Steel. Already her servants have brought his guitar and the small amplifier from his pack.Working quickly, Wraith wires the object inside the box, a metal rectangle
with several adjustment knobs, to his crude travel rig. Moloch approaches him with a piece of paper, “Do you know how to read this?” He offers Hell Wraith the score he has written out. The eccentric occultist looks at it with a furrowed brow for a moment, “Yes I think I can. You want me to play this?” Hell Wraith’s head bobs and he begins to mouth the notes. Moloch nods, “Play that. Vorthon will come.” Hell Wraith begins to play the simple tune written on the sheet. The music is hypnotic and the electronics in the Sludgetron turn the simple notes into a churning symphony of resonances, transfixing all in the room. Under the glass floor in the center of the room, the cloudy liquid that rises through the titanic butte under them eddies with violent agitation and the center of the thick pane begins to bubble. As the music reaches its crescendo, a form emerges from the boiling chaos in the center of the star shaped room. At first, the wet slop splashes up and freezes, over and over again, forming the shape of a body, then the features melt away and as the spent Hell Wraith lets the final note ring out into hollow, moaning feedback, a loud crack brings the room out of its reverie. Vorthon the Whip of Fate, grizzled dessert mystic opens his eyes, “Where is that little bastard? Moloch, as soon as I get off this damn floor your ass is grass!”

Loudblast is the kind of band that I really like, except in this case, I did not. Sublime Dementia is standard early 90's death metal with a few Celtic Frost/avant-gard flourishes that kind of ruins the whole damn thing, like a little piece of turd in your creme brule. I can't even explain why. It because I am an American, and the french might as well be from another solar system. They are an alien race of frog munching surrender dicks, and I just don't understand those bastards. Save the cheese, then bomb the French.

Words of the Elders
 Do you hear the rumbling of the fertile black earth? Soon the world of Centon will know blood. The evil ones have taken over Jenkabala in the north and turned the once free realm into an intergalactic tourist destination. But, soon the titans of old will right the looming catastrophe that threatens the important gateway from the temporal world to the spiritual dimensions. Hail to the new heroes, those who risk all in this land of magic and super-science!

Until next week paladins of praxis,
